Issue Review


This week, you will conduct an issue review for your selected topic for your project. Present a brief report of your research on both sides of the issue. This should include the following:

  • Citation of your sources
  • Links to the sources where available
  • Brief description of the content of each of the sources (50 to 80 words for each source)

Your research review should address at least three (3) aspects of the issue that is the subject of your paper and must present at least one pro and one con article review on each aspect. Sources should be scholarly or of very high substantive quality.

The first aspect is written out completely, with APA citation and brief description of content. The next two aspects should be completely written out by you in your report, including correct APA citation and brief description of content.

Because the topics vary widely, the nature of your research will also vary. If you are writing about gene therapy, for example, you will have to support your points with scholarly medical opinion. You may need to review researching techniques.

The six sources must be scholarly (Journal ) articles published 2018 and above. Note that each of the issue will have 2 sources. 

Use the example titled “Issue Review – Example” as a guide.

The paper title “My Topic Selection Week 1” has the issues you will use for this paper.

Paper format;

Issue/Aspect 1



Issue/Aspect 2



Issue/Aspect 3




                                               Issue Review

Aspect 1: Consent

Pro: Shachar, C., Engel, J., & Elwyn, G. (2020). Implications for telehealth in a postpandemic future: regulatory and privacy issues. Jama323(23), 2375-2376.

According to this article, COVID-19 has prompted health care systems to rapidly and radically rethink the ways they deliver care. Telehealth has emerged as a suitable alternative, which has attracted relaxation of the HIPAA enforcement on healthcare. With the realization of telehealth potential and with lesser HIPAA enforcements, there are increasing concerns with regard to violation of patient privacy and safety.

Con: Zhou, L., Thieret, R., Watzlaf, V., DeAlmeida, D., & Parmanto, B. (2019). A telehealth privacy and security self-assessment questionnaire for telehealth providers: development and validation. International journal of telerehabilitation11(1), 3.

This article aims at developing and validating a security and privacy self-assessment tool for healthcare providers involved in telehealth. The authors argue that such a tool can help telehealth providers conduct a quick self-assessment and use the results to identify their potential areas of vulnerability. Therefore, through the use of trained, skilled providers with regard to respecting patient consent, telehealth can manage to enhance privacy and security concerning patient data.

Aspect 2: Scope of Services

Pro: Colvin, L. (2019). Telehealth: helping solve a problem we created. Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine15(9), 1195-1196.

The authors investigate the benefits of telehealth, especially broadening the scope of services offered remotely. According to the authors, telehealth eliminates geographical barriers in the delivery of care. This article considers telehealth as a practice with great potential in enhancing the delivery of care. The authors state that there is numerous evidence showing that telehealth has enhanced outcomes, increased access to care, strengthened communication between providers and patients, increased remote care, and minimized readmission, missed appointments, and wait times.

Con: Racine, N., Hartwick, C., Collin-Vézina, D., & Madigan, S. (2020). Telemental health for child trauma treatment during and post-COVID-19: Limitations and considerations. Child Abuse & Neglect110, 104698.

This article examines various limitations t the implementation of telemental health. The authors found that telehealth may promote inequality in the access of care because people who are most marginalized experience the highest levels of economic and social barriers. For instance, the article states that lack of confidential or private space for sessions and reliable technology, among other barriers, lead to ineffective implementation of telemental health.

Aspect 3: Documentation…………for help with this assignment contact us viaemail Address:

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