Gender Differences in Behavior


Answer question below:

What do you think of the importance of biological versus environmental factors in gender differences in behavior? Do you think either one is more influential than the other?

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1. On each page: Student Name, ID Number, Course Number, Course Title, and Unit Number.

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                                       Gender Differences in Behavior

Various studies show that men and women behaviors will vary in many aspects. There is a lot of disagreement on whether biological or environmental factors contribute the gender differences in behavior. This paper analyzes the two arguments to determine the most influential one.

Under biological factors, men and women’s brain structures are different. On average women’s brain are smaller than men’s brains which contain 16% more neurons. This difference is responsible for varying emotional processing and memory. According to recent studies, women’s brains are wired side to side while men’s brains are wired front to back. The hormone differences are much easier to see, at least in their gross effects, with the greatest one being testosterone’s behavioral effects …………for help with this or any other assignment contact us via Email Address:

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