Gender Differences


Gone through the paper, differences between genders in different times need to be discussed and analyzed from a professional narrator’s view.

3 Sources needed: 2 PDF files and 1 website


Gender Differences

Since ancient times, the history of Western thought has believed that human beings are twofold: creatures with bodies and unique thoughts. This view, dual opposition, organizes our worldview and the entire Western history. However, the binary opposition is composed of opposite concepts or ideas, one of which is dominant and more valuable than the other, such as men and women, which leads to gender differences. Different periods in history have different understandings of gender differences. For example, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, Shulamith Firestone believed that women will not become equal to men unless science can transfer fertility from the female body to social institutions (Faludi 60). However, in the 1990s, the “third wave of feminism” began, and thinking within the scope of the leading to duality was abandoned, and female heteronormativity became the most discussed and theorized ideas in the discussions about gender differences. Today, the modern humanist movement has embraced feminism, but the tension between the different waves of feminism is still present, just like in other types of humanism. Even though the four different waves of feminism aim at a similar goal, they all have a different understanding of gender differences and roles (Kimmel 4). For instance, the first wave feminism can be viewed as a suffrage movement, the second wave feminism mainly fought for reproductive rights, while the third wave feminism is characterized by its focus on female heteronormativity. The third wave feminism involved a generation enjoying the accomplishments of the first two waves that were quick to criticize their predecessors and point out the flaws of feminism in general, especially the marginalization of minorities in the mainstream. Changing gender differences in different times is more evident in feminism, where unlike previous waves of feminism, the third wave feminism introduced an inclusive nature in the feminist goals by introducing new approaches to the movement and recognizing the intersectionality of oppression, a concept that has guided feminist goals and shaped gender differences to date……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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