Article Analysis: Adams et al. (1996)


  • Analyze the article using the Article Analysis guidelines listed below
  • Be sure to include the full citation for article in current APA format at the top of page 1 of your paper
  • Don’t forget to name AND operationalize ALL of the variables, as there are many points awarded for this part of the assignment. 
  • PLEASE TAKE NOTE: Do not cut and paste from the article! That is plagiarism, and you will get a “0” for the assignment. ALSO NOTE that I will use Turnitin software in the grading of this assignment which will allow me to identify if you have copied from the article or from another student’s paper.

Guidelines for Article Analysis

Your article analysis should include a concise description and explanation of the following:


  1. What is the main issue or problem that is being investigated?
  2. How does relevant previous research and theory (reviewed in the Introduction) provide a rationale for the current study?
  3. What are the specific hypotheses (including expected direction of relationships between variables) that are tested in the current study?
  4. What independent (or predictor) and dependent (or criterion) variables are being investigated? How are the variables operationalized (defined and measured)?
  5. What is the design of the study (e.g., experimental, correlational, quasi-experimental, etc.)?


  1. Participants. Provide the number, type, mean age, sex breakdown, and any specific or unusual characteristics.
  2. Measures/Materials/Apparatus. Provide descriptions of measurement instruments that are used to measure the main variables (e.g., any survey or questions completed by participants, any participant behavior that is observed or recorded). When describing self-report measures, include scale anchors (e.g., 1=strongly disagree; 5=strongly agree) and a sample item. 
  3. Procedure. Provide an overall description of procedures followed in data collection, including random assignment of participants to groups, manipulation of independent variables, and so on. You do not have to include a description of participant recruitment, informed consent, credit for participation, etc.; however, you should describe instructions to participants that are relevant to manipulation or measurement of variables.


  1. What are the main results in terms of the hypotheses (i.e., are hypotheses confirmed or not?)? Describe results that pertain directly to hypotheses in terms of group differences or statistical relationships. Description of results should be broad; you do not have to include specific descriptive statistics or test results in your report.


  1. What general conclusions were drawn by the researchers?
  2. Describe how the current results fit or do not fit with the findings of previous research. Do the current results add anything unique or important to understanding of the phenomena in question?
  3. What are the limitations/flaws of the current study? How could the results be interpreted differently?  What are some possibilities for future research?


1. Include all references mentioned in the text of your paper on a separate page at the end of your paper; please use current APA style for references (see


Adams, H. E., Wright Jr, L. W., & Lohr, B. A. (1996). Is homophobia associated with homosexual arousal?. Journal of abnormal psychology105(3), 440.

                                                 Article Analysis


The current study evaluates whether homophobia is linked to homosexual arousal and aggression towards homosexual men and women. Specifically, the study explored how homosexual arousal in homophobic and non-homophobic men who admitted disliking homosexual people is linked to homophobia. The study involved both non-homophobic and homophobic men. The current study reviewed previous research findings and theories associated with the current topic in the introduction. As a result, the current study obtained some definitions of concepts such as homonegativism and key words such as homophobia and identified aspects of these concepts that are ignored or need to be broadened. Thus, the relevant previous literature was needed to define the keywords so that readers can easily follow and understand the rest of the research. They also helped the researchers define the variables in this study adequately in the introduction, thus providing an idea of the direction of the research. In the current study, previous research and theories show that there are unclear causes of homophobia, with only the condition being explained by the anxiety-based phenomenon and its association with psychoanalysis.  

To broaden the understanding of homophobia, the current study aims to conduct an empirical investigation of the link between homophobia and latent homosexuality in order to determine whether those who have……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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