Educational Trajectory


Write a 10-12 page comparative essay explaining your own educational trajectory and the educational trajectory of a classmate that you interviewed.  Make clear how different disciplinary perspectives inform your account and be sure to draw on class material to draw larger analytical connections and implications.


                                                 Educational Trajectory

Various disciplinary perspectives can be used to explain one’s educational trajectory. An individual has numerous experiences and conditions that shape how well they acquire education. Moreover, they shape their aspirations, particularly where they want to be in the future and what they wish to accomplish. However, there are numerous factors in one’s life to consider. Therefore, this paper will use various theories to explain and compare my educational trajectory to my classmate’s.

                                          Experiences with Inequality

In my own experiences with racial inequalities, I faced it back in high school after my English teacher made little effort to offer the extra support I needed to improve my writing because of my race. The teacher should accept and treat all students fairly regardless of their social identities or cultural differences, but my English teacher’s actions when I approached her for help showed her discrimination against Asian students. As Wright Mills suggests, through understanding the history of racism in this country, we can understand why sometimes people behave the way they do today (Crowley, 2019). From a historical perspective,  Asian Americans have faced inequity and a long legacy of exclusion in education, particularly with relation to school practices and policies throughout their history. This was mostly observed during periods of war, economic recessions, and changing demographics. For instance, approximately a century ago, a segregated Chinese Primary School was opened in San Francisco for Chinese children to attend, including those born in the country. In the wake of Chinese exclusion, Japanese children started attending the school, where the San Francisco School board further applied segregation through a Chinese segregation policy to the Japanese students (Crowley, 2019). Moreover, despite linguistic differences, various Asian communities have been treated similarly and grouped together in schools and the larger society.  The grouping together of Asian nationalities highlights the historical links between the present and the past, thus explaining why my English teacher treated Asian students differently. Furthermore, considering a sociological perspective…………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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