Domestice Violence



You will need to read the chapters (not to long) and view the powerpoint slides because the questions will pertain to the questions and it has to show that the chapter has been read and understood.

1. Explain the various forms of abuse that may be present in an abusive intimate relationship and provide examples.

2. Explain the differences between men and womens experiences with DV (both as victims and offenders).

3. Explain which type of abuse you were least aware of and what your reaction is to the information.

The paper should be about 2 pages in length.


Domestice Violence

                                          Question #1

Emotional and Psychological Abuse

Emotional and psychological abuse is characterized by non-physical, verbal and nonverbal acts intended to hurt the other partner by terrorizing them, limiting their well-being and inflicting mental harm. Examples of this form of abuse include belittling or making the victim feel inferior, particularly in front of other people and forcing the one’s patter to engage in humiliating things.

Economic Abuse

This form of abuse involves preventing one’s partner from having any self-financial independency; thus, the victim who lacks self-sufficiency becomes dependent on the batterer for resources. Such behavior ensures material dependence of one’s victim, particularly in basic needs such as …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

                                                Question #2

There are various differences between men and women experiences with domestic violence. Regarding the offenders, men batterers abuse their partners, mostly with intentions to gain power and control over them. On the other hand, although some female offenders may aim power and control in the relationship, most women will abuse men mainly for self-defense or protecting potential victims such as children and family members. Therefore, unlike men, many female offenders have been subject to violence from the man they abused. It leads to …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

                                                Question #3

In all the forms of abuse in intimate relationships, I thought stalking as the one with the least impacts. However, after reflecting on various forms of domestic violence, I now view stalking as an underlooked issue in the context of abuse in intimate relationships. I found that …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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