Culturing Microorganisms


Class, let’s discuss the categories that organisms can be grouped in based on their nutritional requirements. Find one microorganism, either a prokaryote or eukaryote, and describe the environment in which it lives. (Does it live underwater? On skin? In soil? Give as many details as possible!) To complete your initial post, you will then use the vocabulary we discussed to classify it based on its nutritional needs and environmental requirements. (Is it a halophile? A chemoheterotroph? Use as many terms as you can!)


Culturing Microorganisms

The microorganism to be discussed is Thermus aquaticus which is a prototypic bacterium living in hot springs. Microorganisms such as Thermus aquaticus are responsible for the vibrant colors visible at the hot springs, especially in Yellowstone National Park, where they were discovered in 1969 (Singh et al., 2020). This microorganism thrives best at high degrees and can survive at temperatures of 50-110 degrees Celsius in weakly acidic alkaline waters of specifically of about pH 5-9. As a result, Thermus aquaticus is mostly found in thermally polluted waters, solfataric springs with low salinity and marine thermal springs. The ideal living environment for this microorganism is around 71-76 degrees Celsius when the pH is between 7.5 and 4 (Singh et al., 2020). However, there are other environmental factors such as nitrate and oxygen concertation and the impact of salinity to consider that affects Thermus aquaticus ability to live in a given environment. However, it is clear that this microorganism is not affected by the destructive effects of heat…………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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