Culture Fit Assignment

Question-Culture Fit

Culture Fit
Culture Fit


The Wharton School has a feature called Knowledge@Wharton, which offers analysis, interviews, and articles on topics such as finance, innovation, leadership, marketing, management, public policy, social impact, and technology.

Using the site, select an article related to personal biases, gender and culture in leadership, or social and emotional intelligence.

Take a moment to scroll through the articles to find one that piques your personal interest. Once you have finished reading your selected article, address the following:

1. Provide the title of the article you selected.

2. Provide responses to the following reflective questions:

3. What is your takeaway from the article?

4. Why did this interview resonate with you personally?

5. How can you apply what you have learned from the article to your professional and personal life in terms of the five practices?

Please use the Instructions file attached for guidance about this assignment.

I have attached ” Wharton School” article that should be use for this assignment.

Should more related articles needed, it can be retrieve from this link:

Topic is related to personal biases, gender and culture in leadership, or social and emotional intelligence.

Cultural Fit
Cultural Fit


Employers will go to great lengths to screen job candidates, interview and check references in the quest to make the best hire. Some even take a more scientific approach, deploying a structured interviewing process or putting a potential employee through the paces in the workplace in what amounts to an audition. There is another critical question that, consciously or unconsciously, lies at the heart of any hiring process: Will this candidate mesh well with his or her co-workers and managers? What about with the company’s values and overall culture? But cultural fit is tough to gauge — perhaps because it’s also difficult to clearly define. “It is an incredibly vague term, and it’s a vague term often based on gut instinct,” says Wharton management professor Katherine Klein, vice dean of the Wharton Social Impact Initiative. “ The biggest problem is that while we invoke cultural fit as a reason to hire someone, it is far more common to use it to not hire someone . People can’t tell you what aspect of the culture they are worried about.” If that sounds a lot like the kind of language country clubs once used to exclude applicants, that’s because discussions around cultural fit can also involve certain euphemisms for what amounts to justifying prejudice, or at least, bias. “It’s usually this sense that this person doesn’t seem ‘like us,’ like she or he won’t party well or play well,” continues Klein. “There are all sorts of biases that can — and do — creep in.” …………

Cultural Fit
Cultural Fit

Solution-Culture Fit

                                                          Culture Fit

The article “Is Cultural Fit a Qualification for Hiring or a Disguise for Bias?” considers how “culture fit” is useful in finding the best job candidates and how it can be a way to exclude people or a source of bias if applied wrongly. The takeaway from this article is that there is a proven link between the organizational culture and financial success, and since people are the drivers of both, applying the concept of culture fit in hiring can help a company hire the right people that will create a positive and productive workplace. Instead of exclusively looking for certain skills in candidates hiring for culture fit should entail having the wisdom to find who fits into the organizational culture. However, hiring for culture fit can easily be a disguise for bias (The Wharton School, 2015). For instance, many companies that believe to be applying this concept are actually just looking for people they click and identify with. However, it is essential that companies reevaluate and ensure that the way they measure for culture fit is offering everyone an equal chance and opportunity. Even though hiring for culture fit has been proven to benefit the company, very few companies have made an effort to make “culture fit” measurable and objective to eliminate the possibility of bias. As a result, the beer test becomes a common way of finding the candidate who fits the job.……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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