Colonial American: Settlement and Governance



Colonial America: Settlement and Governance  


Emphasize the historical background and governing structures of the colonies, the relative influence of religious, economic and political factors shaping colonial settlement and governing, and scholarly perspectives on colonial history. :

Understand the colonial origins of American government.

Identify philosophical trends and political exigencies affecting U.S. constitutional design.

Evaluate the impact of Judeo-Christian democratic principles on American concepts of civil rights and liberties.

Textbook Readings

Johnson: Part 1

Kelly et al.: chs. 1–3

Additional Materials

The Avalon Project: Colonial Charters, Grants and Related Documents

The Library of Congress: Primary Documents in American History  

The reflection papers required for this course are brief analyses of the required readings for the given week in combination with one or more scholarly sources selected by the student (for a total of 3–5 sources). Papers must succinctly address the given prompt and demonstrate a mastery of the learning objectives. Composition must reflect original research and writing and must be scholarly in tone, avoiding first and second person perspective and narrative style. Any and all use of source content must be properly attributed: material must be either quoted and cited or thoroughly paraphrased. Each paper must be 5-7 pages in length, excluding title and Reference pages, and follow Turabian Author-Date (parenthetical citation) formatting guidelines. Do not include subheadings.  

Assignment Specifics: ·        

5 double-spaced pages of content, not counting title page or references. 3-5 scholarly sources (your required readings plus at least 1 additional primary or secondary scholarly source).  Any required reading or presentations from assigned modules    

Reflection Paper 1: Colonial Governments  

This week’s readings note philosophical, economic, religious and other factors influencing the unique governments of the various American colonies. Identify and discuss the apparent influence of one or more of these factors on pre-revolutionary American government, drawing from the required readings and at least one additional scholarly source of your own selection (e.g. primary historical document, peer-reviewed journal article or book). Do not limit your discussion to a description of original colonial charters. Present your findings in a 5- to 7-page paper formatted according to Turabian Author-Date (parenthetical citation) style. Do not include subheadings. Your writing must be detailed, objective and scholarly in tone, reflecting your own analysis of source content. Page count does not include title and Reference pages. See general instructions above.


                                       Colonial Governments

The British government had created American colonies, nurtured and developed them under its rule. However, in the 18th century, the American colonies revolted against British rule and declared independence. Moreover, since the early 1600s, there was limited self-governance in the colonies; thus, the American democratic experience existed even before 1776 (Gedicks, 2009, 621). The creation of the American republic and the ideas influencing liberty and self-governance did not start during the declaration of independence. This political thought had many roots, where the old ideas had the most significant impact on the pre-revolution and formation of a new nation. Additionally, the economic factors in the 18th century contributed to the application of these political ideas. Therefore, this paper will analyze the philosophical and economic factors that influenced the pre-revolutionary American government.

At first, the American colonies’ political ideas that invited a declaration of independence had been significant in colonial life for long (Johnson, 1997, part 1). Many thinkers helped shape the American views of government and liberty, but John Locke’s ideas were the most influential. Considering the relationship between natural rights and government, the English philosopher argued that the rights to life, property, and liberty were God-given. Locke’s contributions were significant to Enlightenment and still influence modern politics (Kelly et al., 1991, chapter 1).

However, the King and Parliament had acknowledged their responsibility to protect its citizens’ rights, property and liberty even before establishing the colonies in North America. Before Locke, other Englishmen had emphasized the significance of people’s rights. For instance, in the 13th century, King John signed a …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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