Automatic Thinking and High-Effort Thinking


PSYC Term paper instructions


length of an assignment is 4 double spaced pages, with an additional page for references.

APA style

Topic – Automatic thinking and High effort thinking 

You must use at least 2 Social Psychology-related journals ( i already choose 2 journals from my college library and I will attach them in the attachment ) and 2 textbooks ( please choose any 2 textbooks of psychology related to these 2 topics from any library ), along with information from your textbook and class notes ( i will attach my lecture slides too, take  i information from lecture slides too ). Look at 2 major concepts/theories covered in class (provide page number from text or you will lose marks), compare and contrast these concepts with elaborations from research. On the final page, relate these concepts to current events in our society. Marks for Paper will be based on correct sentence structure and grammar, APA style, content, use of appropriate research, and application to real life.


 Automatic Thinking and High-Effort Thinking

Social thinking or cognition entails the way individuals think about themselves and the social world around them and the way they remember and use this information in making decisions and judgments (Roese et al., 2014). There are two major types of social cognition, which are automatic thinking and high-effort thinking. Automatic thinking is the effortless and unconscious cognition that people use when they need a quick solution to a problem, and it leads to various behaviors such as implicit biases, automatic motor skills, gut feelings, and rapid problem solving when a subconscious process (Aronson et al., 2017). Even though the two types are similar in some ways, automatic thinking contrasts with high-effort or controlled thinking, which applies more methodological, explicit, and controlled cognition to solve problems (Aronson et al., 2017). This paper will compare and contrast automatic thinking, and controlled thinking relate them to current world injustices.

At first, in automatic thinking, individuals analyze and perceive their environment effortlessly based on their preexisting knowledge of the world and past experiences (Park et al., 2016). On the contrary, when individuals engage in controlled thinking, they consciously and deliberately think about themselves and their environment, thus effortful making the right decisions and judgments. As a result, automatic thinking is quicker than high-effort thinking. This difference is based on the use of schemas and heuristics in automatic thinking. Since schemas are responsible for organizing information about the world around subjects or themes, they shape the information about certain events, social roles, people around and oneself, an individual, will remember, notice, and think about (Williams, 2020). When one encounters and new situation, they automatically and quickly apply schemas to make sense of it (Park et al., 2016). Even though schemas help make sense of new situations, sometimes they can lead to incorrect impressions. Sometimes it can lead to self-fulfilling prophecy, a phenomenon where an individual’s false expectations about other people may cause another individual to adopt the expected behavior……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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