Analysis of a Juvenile Sex Offender Study


  • This paper involves an analysis of the ethical issues raised by a juvenile sex offender study conducted by Weinrott et al. (1997). 
  • After reading the study, prepare a 5-6 page paper (excluding title page), analyzing the study in light of the 
  • following issues highlighted in Chapter 3 of the textbook: Minimize Harm, Maintain Confidentiality, Honesty, Voluntary Consent, Informed Consent, Special Populations, & Do Not Initiate Crime.

Structure your paper into the following 4 parts:

Part I: Briefly summarize the Special Populations issue raised in the textbook and describe how it is relevant to the 

present study. What are the obligations of the researchers under the Special Populations consideration in this case?

Part II: Briefly summarize the Minimize Harm, Maintain Confidentiality, Honesty, Voluntary Consent, Informed Consent, & Do Not Initiate Crime issues, and then apply them to Weinrott et al. (1997).  To what extent does the study successful 

address each?  Provide specific examples from the study that you believe successfully address a given ethical issue 

and specific examples where you believe the study may have fallen short.

Part III: Imagine that you were a member of an Institutional Review Board and asked to offer an overall ethical 

classification of the study. Based on your analysis in Part II, you can classify the study into one of 3 categories: 

1) The study clearly falls within ethical standards;

2) The study almost falls within ethical standards: A few changes are needed to align it with ethical standards;

3) The study does not fall within ethical standards: Significant changes would be needed to align it with ethical 


Where would you classify the study and why? Justify your position. 

Part IV: Given that Institutional Review Board members are subject to personal biases like any other person, what kinds of personal biases do you think might get in the way of them making decisions about the ethics of a research project 

like this? And how do you think those biases could influence an IRB member’s decision about the ethics of the study?   


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