AJA Review #2: “Childhood and Sexual Identity Under Slavery”


1. Please read one of the articles from the list below. Prepare to spend 3-5 hours reading the AJA. 

Childhood and Sexual Identity under Slavery
Author(s): Anthony S. Parent, Jr. and Susan Brown Wallace

The Urban Threshold and the Second Great
Awakening: Revivalism in New York State,


“No Harm to Kill Indians”: Equal Rights in a Time of War
Author(s): Richard D. Brown

Church, State, and Education in the Young American Republic
Author(s): Daniel Walker Howe

Deciphering Memory: John Adams and the Authorship of the Declaration of Independence
Author(s): Robert E. McGlone

2. Writing the AJA Review requires the components listed below:

The author’s purpose in writing the article

The author’s main thesis

The author’s challenging of other historical viewpoints

The evidence utilized by the author (specifically primary sources)

Identify key details and specific analysis from the AJA

Personal likes/dislikes and how could the author make the work stronger?

The recommended audience for the article?

Explain how this article contributes to understanding the history of United States History

Suggested reading, movies, museums, websites to accompany this work (not required, but helpful)

3. Please be sure your review is in the following format:

12 point font

Double spaced

Essay with multiple paragraphs


AJA Review #2: “Childhood and Sexual Identity Under Slavery”

The article “Childhood and Sexual Identity Under Slavery” by Anthony S. Parent Junior and Susan Brown Wallace shows how children’s sexual identity was under abuse and experiences faced in slavery. Through the interviewees of former slaves regarding their childhood, this article shows evidence of how children under slavery knew little about issues such as opposite-sex relationships and their gender. It also shows how they were under strict parent surveillance due to parents’ worries that their children’s naïve minds could be corrupted by sensitive knowledge, thus affecting the slave-owners profits. Also, according to the former slaves, they all knew little about their sexual identity even though some were secretly married, Christians, or privileged as property owners.

The authors’ purpose of writing this article is to show how children were left ignorant about marriage, sex, and marriage after having little sexual knowledge and what they knew affected their self-image especially damaging it. The article focuses less on the physical impacts and more on mental effects experienced by slaves in childhood by exploring how children knew little about sex and the natural freedom of love. It also shows the unspoken experiences and aspects of children under slavery. The main thesis in this article is examining lives of interviewees who were former slaves and using the information from their narratives to “give evidence of how the slaves developed their sense of sexual identity and show how they viewed sexuality and issues of a sexual nature” (Parent & Wallace 365). Many historical viewpoints have viewpoints focused on the social and physical impacts of slavery, but Parent and Wallace are guided by a viewpoint not addressed before. This approach entails exploring a milder aspect of slaves’ knowledge in their childhood where the former slaves tell their untold stories that are useful to the authors’ research……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address: consulttutor10@gmail.com

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