Peer Review Article: Watson, J. C. (2012). Online Learning and the Development of Counseling Self-Efficacy Beliefs. 


Watson, J. C. (2012). Online Learning and the Development of Counseling Self-Efficacy Beliefs. Professional Counselor2(2), 143-151.

Critique each section of the journal article and its basic research concepts (e.g., problem statement, purpose of the study, procedures, participants, reliability, validity, design, generalizability, implications, limitations). It is important to sound like a researcher. 

Use Times New Roman, 12-point font only. APA style is not required but grammar is important. Three (3) pages maximum.

Below I have attached a guide on how the questions are needed to be answered along with the article.

`Review of Article Questions Sheet


1) Article/Reference (APA style)

2) The theoretical issue or research question (Identify answer to this question from the title of the journal article, its Abstract, or the end of introduction)

3) Background Information –

3a). Definition of key terms

3b). Important information from studies/theories. (Read all paragraphs in the introduction/literature review of the journal article carefully and provide important information from each paragraph).

4) The specific hypotheses of the study

5) Independent Variable(s)/Predictor Variable(s)

5a) How did the author(s) operationalize the variables?

6) Dependent Variable(s)/Outcome Variable(s)

6a) How did the author(s) operationalize the variables?

7) Participants


8) Procedures

9) Instruments

10) The results/findings of the study (Interpret the results as best as you can. Merely listing the numbers without understanding them is not helpful)

11) The Conclusions / Discussion

12) Future Research Areas



    Peer Review Article

In this study, students enrolled in conventional face-to-face (FTF) and online counselor education programs had their counseling self-efficacy beliefs compared to determine how online training affected the development of a counselor. It was hypothesized that students engaged in conventional FTF courses were expected to have stronger views of counseling self-efficacy than those taking online courses (Watson, 2012).

The problem statement includes the variables of interest and suggests that taking online courses may reduce counselor self-efficacy, personal motivation, and self-confidence.  Even though the problem, students’ counseling self-efficacy beliefs, is clearly stated and is researchable by comparing students enrolled in both convectional FTF and online counselor education programs, its educational significance is not adequately stated in this study. Furthermore, the review is comprehensive and relevant to the research questions and design of the intervention.  The authors cite previous research, mostly primary sources, to justify the contents of their intervention, such as the definition of and factors affecting counseling self-efficacy (CSE) (Watson, 2012).  However, the review concludes with a very brief summary of the literature and thus does not clearly state its implications for the problem being investigated.……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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