The Grief Process


  1. Identify the key differences in dying and the bereavement process across the life span.
  2. Apply the four-component model to the grieving process at one of the life stages you identified in the first paragraph.
  3. Use your imagination or apply your personal experience to describe the grieving process for your chosen life stage in terms of the following:
    1. The context of the loss; refer to risk factors, such as whether the death was expect
    2. Continuation of subjective meaning associated with loss, ranging from evaluations of everyday concerns to major questions about the meaning of life.
    3. Changing representations of the lost relationship over time.
    4. The role of coping and emotion regulation processes that cover all coping strategies used to deal with grief.
  4. Describe Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s five stages of dying and provide examples that illustrate each stage.


     The Grief Process

Bereavement reactions are different across various life stages. Children aged 3 to 5 years find it hard to understand that death is permanent; thus, they might feel abandoned. They may tend to need lots of reassurance that they will be taken care of even after losing a loved one. For school-aged children, the dying and the bereavement process may interfere with their age-appropriate activities and force them to address issues that they are not developmentally prepared for. For instance, they might believe that certain behaviors or actions will bring their loved ones back. Unlike children, adolescents understand that death is part of life. Since they often deal with self-identity and self-esteem issues, they are more likely to feel guilty because of their relationships or what they have said to a dead loved one. They are more likely to want their peers for support rather than family. The dying and the bereavement process for young and middle-aged adults are most devastated by the death of a loved one.  When individuals at this life stage lose a loved one, especially a child or a partner, by death, they are most likely to blame themselves for not protecting them enough; thus, they are likely to feel disbelief and emptiness during the bereavement process as they grief the future plans they had made. For elderly adults, they have experienced multiple losses in life, such as social roles, jobs, finances, body parts, and loved ones. Even though the loss of a loved one can be less detrimental at this stage, they need more family and social support in such times, especially after the death of a partner.

The four-component model describes the grieving process helps determine various bereavement reactions……………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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