Procedures and Evidence


Step 1: Read the following case study:

A nurse has an order to complete a procedure on a patient. After reading the procedure, the nurse notices that it is not best practice and it has not been updated for 6 years. The nurse takes this issue to the nurse leader (charge nurse) and the nurse manager (unit manager).

Step 2: Your first post is based on the first letter of your last name. For example, if your last name is Smith, you would answer the nurse manager question. Please review the differences in these roles before posting.

  The First Letter of your Last Name  Question to Answer
        A-M  What would you do as a nurse leader if your policy or procedure conflicts with the most recent evidence? Describe your response to this nurse. Why is it important to update policies and procedures? What are the risks if they are outdated? What is your role as a nurse leader in assuring policies or procedures are up to date?
        N-Z  What would you do as a nurse manager if your policy or procedure conflicts with the most recent evidence? Describe your response to this nurse. Why is it important to update policies and procedures? What are the risks if they are outdated? What is your role as a nurse manager in assuring policies or procedures are up to date?

Step 3: Reply to classmates in either group.

Your discussion post should look like:

  • Paragraph one: What would you do as a nurse leader or nurse manager (depending on your last name) if your policy or procedure conflicts with the most recent evidence? Describe your response to this nurse.
  • Paragraph two: Why is it important to update policies and procedures? What are the risks if they are outdated?
  • Paragraph three: What is your role as a nurse leader or nurse manager (depending on your last name) in assuring policies or procedures are up to date?
  • Resources: Where did you find your data?


Procedures and Evidence: Nurse Leader

When a procedure or policy is outdated, it is my role as a nurse leader to help my team whether how it conflicts with the recent evidence. Once my team finds it outdated and verifies that it conflicts with current evidence, I would ensure that provision of quality health care and patient safety are first considered. Additionally, it would be my job to establish a connection between my team and the administrative desk with regard to enhancing care and ensuring patient safety. When the procedure or policy is updated, I will commend the nurse for raising the concern and suggesting the change, which would encourage the willingness of other nurses to raise concerns in future with regard to the currency of procedures and policies (Cariaso-Sugay et al., 2021). Additionally, after updating the new procedure or policy, I would say sure that the change is communicated to all the nurses in my team and offer details that would promote effective implementation. It is important that everyone is aware of the new updates and changes in order to promote patient safety and the care provided…………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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