Website Comparison



  • Examine the URL.
    • Does it indicate somebody’s personal page?
    • What type of domain does it come from?
    • If there is a sponsoring organization, does it seem authoritative and appropriate for the source?
  • Who wrote the page?
    • Is the author/producer identifiable?
    • Is it evident that he/she has expertise on the subject?
    • Is there an e-mail address to contact the author?
  • Is the page sufficiently up-to-date?
    • Is there a date provided for creation or last revision?
    • How up-to-date are any links that are provided?
  • In addition to the author’s credentials, look for other indicators of quality.
    • Is the information consistent with information from other sources?
    • Are all aspects of the topic covered?
    • Is the information presented as fact or as opinion?
    • Is it free from bias?
    • Is there solid documentation or evidence supporting the information?
    • Are there links to other sources? If so, are they to quality, reliable sources? Do the links work? Do the links represent a bias?

Website Comparison Assignment Instructions

  • Is the document affiliated with a web site or organization that has a stake in the issue?
Text Box: ●	Genocide is the topic of the websites listed on p. 91.
●	Human Rights is the topic of the websites listed on pp. 93-94.
●	Global Climate Change is the topic of the websites listed on pp. 131-132.
●	Ecotourism is the topic of the websites listed on p. 150.
●	Population is the topic of the websites listed on p. 182.
●	Health and Disease is the topic of the websites listed on pp. 197-198.
●	Gender and Development is the topic of the websites listed on p. 227.
●	Social Networking is the topic of the websties listed on. p. 271.
●	Private Military Companies is the topic of the websites listed on pp. 322-323.
Text Box: Write an essay (5 well-written pages) evaluating the two websites (the one listed from the Campbell book and the one you randomly found).

Evaluate the website based on the criteria covered in the attached EVALUATING INTERNET RESOURCES.pdf document. Obviously the website you picked that is listed by the Campbell textbook will be a good one. The website you chose from the internet may or may not be a quality site. If you determine the site to be a good source of information, explain why in your essay. If you determine there are reasons the site may not present good information, explain your reasons.

At the end of your essay, include the Reference Citation for the two websites using the style format associated with your discipline: APA, MLA, or Chicago/Turabian. Please specify which style you used.

Please read carefully for all instructions. I will attach a document with a picture of the website I chose to review. The one I have highlighted in yellow is the one I have chosen from the textbook. You must choose another website to compare it to. 5 pages maximum 12pt font times new roman double spaced.


American Civil Liberties Union American Civil Liberties Union (


Thesis & Evidence (25 points)

The thesis is clearly and logically presented and supported using well-developed paragraphs and effective examples.

Writing Proficiency (15 points)

All sentences are well-written with varied sentence structure. The essay is generally free of errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Application of Evaluation Criteria (10 points)

A variety of relevant criteria for evaluating websites is applied.

Content-Specific Assignment Guidelines (15 points)

The essay is 5 well written pages in length and includes comparison and contrast.

Documentation of Source (10 points)

Website citation follows standard practice of the student’s discipline (APA, MLA, or Turabian).


                                             Website Comparison

While evaluating a website, it is important to consider all the aspects of a given site as well as its credibility. Of concern are the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) website and the Human Rights Watch (HRW) website both covering issues in the human rights topic. The ACLU website is created to help people learn about the issues surrounding the most current and pressing civil liberties in the U.S. and to guide them on what they can do by outlining the actions they can take. This is in line with the ACLU mission of ensuring that the U.S. Constitution applies equally for all individuals and expanding the reach of its guarantees.  On the other hand, the HRW website is created to inform people about human rights across the world through reports and investigations of the abuses happening. This paper will evaluate, compare, and contrast  ACLU and the HRW websites to determine whether they are good and credible sites.

 At first, regarding the type of domain that the sites come from, the ACLU website is sponsored by the ACLU, an American-based nonprofit organization on human rights issues. Therefore, this website is assigned a “.org” domain and “” as the complete web address. ACLU is a well-established nongovernmental organization specializing in human rights issues through The American Civil Liberties Union that deals with social welfare, and the ACLU foundation that deals with public charity. Working closely, these two divisions under ACLU engage in civil rights education, advocacy, political lobbying, and litigation and collect donations. Similarly, the HRW website is sponsored by HRW, a nongovernmental organization that partners with and is supported by various organizations such as Ford Foundation and Fred Foundation. Like the ACLU website, this site is assigned a “.org” domain, and its web address is “”. Regarding human rights, the organization organizations pressures companies, policy makers and governments to respect human rights and denounce any form of abuse …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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