Cross Cultural Communication


Gospel Communication Application of CQ & Outline of God’s Story Paper Instructions

This paper is the second section of an ongoing project throughout this course. In this paper, you will build on what you learned about your friend’s culture in your Gospel Communication Elements of Culture Paper. You will synthesize the information and apply the four CQ Capabilities to prepare for your interaction where you will share the story of God with your friend. Finally, you will outline your Gospel Presentation. 

You will write a formal academic paper. Your paper should be neatly formatted and organized, and it should include a cover page, page numbers, footnote citations, proper headings and subheadings, and a bibliography. It should be double spaced and in Times New Roman, 12- pt font. You should cite all of your sources through in-text citations or footnotes and include a bibliography or works cited page of all of your sources at the end of your paper. You may use any academic writing style you choose (APA, MLA, Turabian, Chicago, etc). 

Application of CQ

In this section, you will use the 4 CQ capabilities to think through the best way to interact with your friend and share God’s story with them. 

  • CQ Drive: What is motivating you to effectively share God’s story with your friend?
  • CQ Knowledge: Discuss how you will use your knowledge of your friend’s cultural value orientations, cultural systems, and elements of communication to share the gospel effectively with your friend. (Which of their cultural value orientations should you keep in mind as you try to communicate with them?) 
  • CQ Strategy: Discuss how you will craft your story to meet your friend where they are. (Are there any themes or threads found throughout the Grand Narrative that you may use to focus your presentation which would most speak to your friend according to their culture and worldview? What part of the Grand Narrative do you think they will relate to most based on what you know about their cultural systems and cultural value orientations?
  • CQ Action: How might you need to adjust your communication, your approach to the conversation, and your language or tone in order to best communicate the gospel message?

Outline of God’s Story

Prepare to share the Gospel by outlining the Story of God you would share. As we have discussed the Grand Narrative of scripture, we have covered many different topics and stories from the Bible, but there are several key elements which must be included in your story. Here is a list of what should be included in your story (these elements have been organized according to the outline of the story in God’s Big Picture by Vaughan Roberts. 

  • The Pattern of the Kingdom: 
    • Creation
  • The Perished Kingdom: 
    • Fall/ Sin
  • The Promised Kingdom: 
    • Covenant with Abraham
    • Covenant with David
  • The Partial Kingdom: 
    • Israel
  • The Prophesied Kingdom: 
    • The message of the Prophets
  • The Present Kingdom
    • Virgin Birth
    • Incarnation and Deity (fully God-fully man)
    • Jesus’ Life (person and ministry)
    • Jesus’ Death
    • Resurrection
    • Ascension. 
  • The Proclaimed Kingdom: 
    • The Holy Spirit
    • The Church
  • The Perfected Kingdom
    • Christ’s Return
    • Our Response to the Gospel
    • Restoration

This section should be a bulleted list of each of the elements above. For each element, you should write 2-4 sentences summarizing the element and describing how you would present that part of the story to your friend. You should also include scripture references for each element that you present. While you do not need to recite the scripture as you tell the story, we want to see that you know where in the Bible to point someone to if the opportunity were to arise. In your outline, you should list enough content to show that you know what each element is about, how it connects to the bigger picture of the grand narrative, and the best way to share the story. Also, you should keep in mind any themes or threads that you identified in your CQ Strategy section above. Make sure that those themes are included in your outline as you walk through each of the essential elements of the story. You’ll use this outline to share your story on video in Week 7.

Submit you Application of CQ and Outline of God’s Story Paper by 11:50 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 5.


                                        Cross Cultural Communication

I have made a very close non-Christian friend.  Although he is from Thailand he frequently speaks English but also fluent in Thai. My friend is Buddhist a religion founded on the principle that the practice of meditation and self-denial would lead to peace and help with suffering (Harvey, 2012). This paper outlines how I will share the story of God with my Buddhist friend.

                                          CQ Capabilities


Christians can agree with Buddhists that life is full of suffering and there are is are holy and sinful lives.  However, according to Schmidt-Leukel (2005), Buddhists respond by attempting to escape all desires which is evident in my friend who is encouraged to live a moral life “away from sin”, avoid self-indulgence and constantly meditate. Thus I will share the story of God with my friend to suggest him a new way to respond and avoid sin because if anyone responds through Christ in trust, he will take away their bad karma and give them his own righteousness. After understanding the story of God, my friend’s life will take on a new meaning.


The most effective presentation of Christ to a Buddhist can be made by those who know and sympathetically understand Buddhism rather than those ignorant to the culture. The most important cultural values in Buddhism as taught by Buddha are kindness, wisdom, generosity, patience, and compassion (Ives, 2016). Buddhist education has made my friend a wise man thus I will use the value of wisdom particularly his views on ethical and moral truths as a stepping stone toward the Christian understanding while at the same time maintaining the uniqueness of Christ’s salvation.  For instance, as Paz et al. (2007) suggest, I will use the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism and the admirable character of Jesus that have attracted many people.


Buddhists do not believe in a supreme god where (Ng, 2016)…………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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