Comprehensive Case Presentation



In this assignment, imagine that you are presenting the case you selected to a live audience of professionals or paraprofessionals.  You will create a slideshow with accompanying spoken narration that showcases the case study that you chose and each of the elements you explored on the case.  In your presentation you will include:

  • A brief synopsis of the case.
  • Theories to support understanding of the case.
  • Ethics on the case and the cultural competency skills needed to proceed ethically in the case.
  • Empirical research findings to support understanding of the case, and to support the actions that you selected for the professionals in the case. Include a discussion of the research methods.
  • Present the actionable solutions you are recommending that the professionals (Chelsea and school personnel, Hannah and school personnel, or Dr. Bhandari and staff take to help the person in the case (Chen, Adara, or Elena). Explain how what you learned from these areas of theory, research, cultural competence, and ethics can guide the professional behavior of the professionals in the case, and your own future professional behavior (for this part you can use first person as you think about your own professional behavior).

Through this work, you are demonstrating the course competencies that you have achieved in this course. This presentation will comprise a synthesis of the project components from weeks 3 and 6. Guidelines are provided in What You Need to Know for verbal communication, presentation design, and software you can use.

You may potentially use this comprehensive presentation for job interviews. It can give prospective employers the opportunity to see a complete picture of who you are, your education, your accomplishments, and your skill sets. You may use some or all of it to convey concepts, to illustrate the depth of your skills and experience, or as a tool to get a second interview.

As you begin to review the requirements for this assignment, make sure you have the final versions of the following:

  • Cultural Competency and Research Analysis – Course project part 1 from Week 3.
  • Ethical Issue and Action Plan – Course project part 2 from Week 6.

We recommend that you work on the areas you will need for the presentation based on the feedback that you received from your instructor on the Week 3 and Week 6 assignments and from your own reflection prior to incorporating them into your presentation.

While examining your project components and making decisions about the essential information that will be presented, we recommended that you begin by creating an outline and comparing it to the Comprehensive Case Presentation Scoring Guide to ensure you have specifically taken into account and addressed all of the grading criteria in detail.

Be sure to consider the distinguished levels on the scoring guide to guide you in the amount of detail you will need in the notes section of the slides to meet the requirements for each specific criterion of the presentation. Include fully developed paragraphs in the notes area of your slides (the notes area is just underneath each slide). Most slides will require multiple paragraphs for sufficient detail to meet proficient and distinguished level scoring of criteria.

You will use your research, analysis, writing, and communication skills intensely for this project. This capstone course is designed to allow multiple opportunities for demonstrating your mastery of the content and the course competencies, which are also the established program outcomes.

Slideshow Instructions

You may use PowerPoint to create this slideshow, or if you wish, you may use Kaltura, Prezi, or some other option. However, PowerPoint is best supported by the resources provided, including Basic Tasks for Creating a PowerPoint Presentation, and Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations [PPTX]. The Prezi Support site can help you with that option. You are responsible for making your presentation work.

For each project component you have completed in this course, create 8–10 slides that provide a high-level explanation or summary. In other words, you should create a minimum of 16 slides, plus a title slide, introduction slides, conclusion slides, and references slides. Use a clear and concise structure.

  • Title slide: On the first slide, enter:
    • A brief presentation title.
    • Your name.
    • Course number and title.
    • Capella University.
    • Instructor’s name.
  • Introduction slides: Provide an introduction to your presentation that includes a brief overview of the case. Describe what you will be discussing in your presentation.
  • Content slides: Provide an overview of the Week 3 and Week 6 assignments. Also include a slide that discusses how this project has influenced your thinking about your own professional behaviors.
  • Conclusion slides: Briefly summarize your presentation. Provide a concise summary about the topics addressed.
  • Reference slides: List all references cited in your presentation.

Design Considerations

Consider the following when creating the presentation:

  • Use the PowerPoint Template [PPTX] given in the resources as a starting point, if you like. Replace all text that is within brackets [. . .].
  • Be sure to cut the number of words on each slide to the bare minimum without losing the meaning. It would be ideal to have no more than six bullet entries on a slide and no more than 10 words per entry. You can always add more slides to cover any given topic.
  • Be sure to use typefaces that are easy to read.
    • Do not use more than two typefaces of different names (such as Helvetica or Times).
    • Do not use different typefaces that are similar in style. However, it is very helpful to use some appropriate contrasts of sizes and weights of type to focus the viewer’s attention on the most important content within each slide.
  • Consider using pictures and diagrams, in addition to words, to convey relevant information visually. However, minimize the use of decorative elements or effects that distract from meaning.
    • For any visual material within your presentation that you did not create yourself, cite the source.
    • For presentations in a professional context:
      • If you use pictures or diagrams that you did not create yourself, you must seek out, and abide by, applicable copyright restrictions. The online resource Find Free-to-Use Images. can help.
      • If required by members of your audience, be prepared to make appropriate accommodations.
  • Use current APA style citations and list references in slides at the end of the presentation. The APA Style and Format resource can help you with this step.
  • Enhance the design of the presentation to make it more effective, if you wish to do so. For more guidance on PowerPoint design, review the Guidelines for Effective PowerPoint Presentations.
  • See the Basic Tasks in PowerPoint 2010 and Basic Tasks for Creating a PowerPoint Presentation for guidance on the basics of using PowerPoint. If after reviewing this material, you need more help using PowerPoint, contact your instructor—seek help early.

All slides should include presenter notes of what you will say for each slide. Some slides will need more detail than others. You should detail the presenter’s notes to include all of the information you would present to a live audience for each particular slide. You may use information directly from your project components when writing presenter notes. However, entries should be edited so that they are written as if you are speaking to an audience or a potential employer, for example. You can utilize the presenter notes when recording the spoken portion of the presentation.


Comprehensive Case Presentation


Understanding ethics in various situations and having cultural competence skills are significant for professionals. It helps professionals understand themselves, their roles, and their duties better and improves their daily practices. This paper will discuss a case study of an adopted girl, Chen, a nine-year-old girl who found it difficult to present her report in front of the entire class. Chen has difficulties interacting with other students and has low self-confidence to stand and speak in front of the class. Her teacher required every student to write a reading report and present it to the other students in the class, but she ran out of the classroom crying when it was her turn. Therefore, regarding this case, this paper will also discuss the ethics in this case, the cultural competence skills needed to approach this case ethically, and recommend actions and solutions to help Chen.

                    Theories supporting the understanding of Chen’s Case

In this case, Chen was able to complete her written report as the teacher required, but the only problem was presenting her work in front of the class. In this situation, it could be wrong to argue she run out of the class because she is an undisciplined student.  Therefore, attachment theory and ecological systems theory are helpful in finding out other possible reasons as to why she was unable to present her work. The two theories are also useful in understanding Chen better.

                                          Attachment Theory

Attachment theory explains the bonds and relationships between two people, particularly child-parent ones. According to this theory from ages zero to five are crucial in developing bonds and relationships. Moreover, the earliest attachments between a child and the caregivers are significant to the child’s development and have a tremendous influence throughout life (Verbovaya, 2016).   The central theme for this theory is that when caregivers are responsive to their infant’s needs and are available, the child develops a sense of security because they are aware that their caregivers are dependable. Moreover, it develops a secure and comfortable base for the child to explore the world without fear. When the child is frightened, they will seek care and comfort from their caregiver. In this case, Chen was adopted by the Clarks at age five, meaning that she missed a crucial stage of forming bonds and attachments. According to attachment theory, missing this stage can lead to irreversible consequences for the child. Therefore, Chen’s teacher needs to understand that such a childhood can negatively affect a child’s emotions and mental health. Due to missing this attachment stage, Chen’s social life is affected, leading to low confidence and increased fear. As a result, asking her to present in front of the class could be a lot to ask from her; thus, she ran out of the class.

                                       Ecological Systems Theory

Ecological systems theory focuses on…………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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