Advanced Practice Nurse (APN)


  • Title page
  • Introduction that discusses the background of Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) in mental health practice
  • Discussion of the following in relation to evidence-based practice of assessing and treating children and adolescents with mental health and behavioral disorders:
    • Role of APN
    • Specific functions of APN
    • Standards of care (per your state of residence California)
    • Scope of care (per your state of residence California)
  • Support/evidence from at least three current sources (at least one found during your independent research)
  • Conclusion that summarizes the main and supporting points
  • References page


Children and Adolescents with Mental Health and Behavioral Disorders

Based on historical trends and future projections, the workplace crisis in addressing mental health needs and behavioral disorders among children and adolescents will continue to increase, and this area will continue to be underserved if there are no changes made with regard to the provision of mental health services for this population (Schober, 2018). Nontraditional providers can be a potential solution, but there are concerns about their preparation to deliver mental health services effectively. Nursing organizations have proposed various ways to address mental health needs and behavioral disorders in children and adolescents, and one way is to prepare Advanced Practice Nurses (APNs) to meet these needs and expand the psychiatric nursing workforce.

Through additional education for expanded nursing clinical practice, an APN has advanced decision-making skills and clinical competencies. Regarding mental health services for children and adolescents, APNs are educated and credentialed to manage mental health needs and behavioral disorders, focusing on prevention and treatment.  Evidence-based practice entails service practices such as assessment and case management as well as the impact of treatment and services on mental health problems of children and adolescents (Schober, 2018). Therefore because of the additional training acquired by an APN, these healthcare providers are likely to deliver mental health services with a high degree of responsibility and independence for quality care. Regarding the specific functions of APN, these nurses may be certified to order diagnostic tests, make a clinical diagnosis, and making important decisions. Thus when delivering mental health services to children and adolescents when authorized, APNs can carry out physical examinations, make a diagnosis, and may prescribe medicines and therapeutic procedures to children and adolescents diagnosed with mental disorders…………for help with this assignment contact us via email Address:

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