First Task: Topic Brainstorming

First Task: Topic Brainstorming

You should choose a topic that works well for the assignment and that genuinely interests you. Invention activities work best when writers allow their minds free rein—when you push past your first idea, or your second, or even your third, to consider as many options and angles as you possibly can. So don’t settle with your first thought about a potential topic! Use this brainstorming to think about a number of different communities.

Remember that this essay starts when you locate a problem—a ‘barrier to sustainable or just community’—that exists in some community that you belong to. So as part of your brainstorming work, you need to identify:

  1. Communities to which you belong (hometown, church, sports team, organization, school, workplace, identity group)
  2. An area of brokenness or a challenge to just/sustainable community that group experiences
  3. Possibilities for further research.

Here’s an example: you are all students at College—that’s one community you belong to! So what areas of brokenness or challenges to sustainable community do you see at College? Maybe you’ve been struck by how “busy” everyone is—so your challenge to community is the “culture of busyness.” Then you need to really drill down—what specific topics might you focus on? (Alternately, think about this step as identifying all of the factors or angles that contribute to a given problem.) For the culture of busyness, you might identify the following factors as all contributing to the problem: Stress management/mental health among college students; negative attitudes towards “down time”; unhealthy uses of leisure time (binge watching shows, time on social media, etc).

Now it’s your turn: for this brainstorming assignment, you need to complete the three steps above SIX TIMES, and each #3 needs to identify at least two aspects of the problem.

Use Chart Below

Community I am a part of (hometown, church, team, organization, school, workplace, identity group)Areas of Brokenness or Challenge to Just/Sustainable CommunityResearch Topic Possibilities
College        Culture of busynessStress management/mental health on college campuses Negative attitudes towards “down time” Unhealthy uses of leisure time (binge watching shows, time on social media, etc)  

Second Task: Preliminary Research

Lay the Foundation

Conducting preliminary research is an important step in determining whether a given research topic is viable. It involves running Google searches, checking Wikipedia pages, and informally consulting experts that you know. To complete this task, you’ll need to answer these four questions, in clear and cohesive paragraphs, for two of your Brainstorming Topics from above chart:

  1. What are some keywords or terms that are important (brainstorm an initial list at the start, then add terms that you find as you go)?
    1. What are some dilemmas or controversies relating to the topic?
    1. What are the “sides” of these dilemmas or controversies (there might be more than two)?
    1. What research questions have other writers and scholars already asked about this topic?

Because preliminary research is part of figuring out whether a given topic is even appropriate for Essay, you need to look into TWO topics from your “Brainstorming Topics” homework from last week. And because preliminary research involves internet searches and a quick read of more accessible materials, it can be completed quickly (relative to the more time-consuming process of conducting library research).  

Third Task: Research Question and Rationale

Based on your Research Question research in second task, make any needed revisions to your research question. Now you should have a question that is clear and focused. Now you want to provide a brief rationale for your question: explain why this question interests you, what community it involves, and how answering the question might contribute to shalom. You may also want to discuss how you narrowed down your topic and arrived at this specific formulation.

Fourth Task: Take notes

After reviewing how to take notes for research paper (use internet), pick one method to try out! Then locate two sources from the internet databases. Type up your notes, which will become part of your completed research notebook. You should include a full bibliographic citation (the Works Cited entry) for the source, and then write your notes (remember, you need a minimum of 3 – 4 individual notes for each source).

Fifth task: Tentative Thesis

Instructions: Post your tentative thesis statement here! Remember: your thesis is just the answer to your research question, as supported by the evidence you have found in your research! (Not long, one or two sentences)

Example from others:

  • Homeschooling is better than public school because it provides a safe environment, helps children succeed academically, and helps create a healthy home life.
  • Many Christians feel as though they do not have to follow the golden rule because they use the Bible to back up things that they feel they are a part of themselves, but they neglect the other things they do not agree with.
  • Thesis: The acclaimed musical Hamilton actually qualifies as a form of opera re-envisioned for the modern audience.
  • The Fashion industry is actually destroying the mental and Physical health of the models.

Final Task: The Research Essay (1500 words minimum)

Assignment Overview

For this writing project, you will also be addressing an issue relevant to a community you know, but this time, you will use the research process to dig deeper into the academic conversations that could inform the community’s understanding of the issue. You will begin by developing a focused research question, locating sources to help you answer that question, and compiling a Research Notebook. Then, you will present your research to your class for feedback as a step towards building a compelling argument. The project culminates in a persuasive essay that uses evidence from your research to assemble an answer to your research question for an audience who could benefit from the information you’ve gathered.

Goals for this Assignment

This project invites you to practice working as an independent researcher: investigating a problem you care about and digging deeply into the vast array of information that might help you understand the issue better.

In the essay itself, you will articulate a position in response to your research question and support it with information from your sources. Your essay will need to describe the problem, puzzle, or conflict at stake in your question, present the reader with relevant background information, and use specific information from your research to produce a well-supported argument in response to your research question. Your audience for your argument is the group of people who most need to know what you discover, and you should write especially for those most likely to be skeptical of your conclusions.


This essay is a piece of academic research. It should use formal language, polished citation, and a tone that would be suitable for someone presenting at an academic conference. 


For this essay, your audience is the College student academic Community. You can assume that they:

  1. Have high standards of research and writing style
  2. Are familiar with the basic dilemmas that face College and the United States


Your purpose is to use robust research to convince an audience that your proposed solution to a dilemma is the correct one. 


Final Task: Funding and Resources in Early Childhood Education

Today, early childhood education is one of the major foundations in American’s lives. Kartal to justify the need for more investment in this sector by stating that “Early childhood development and education services are interventions that aim to support 0-8 aged children’s development (i.e., cognitive, physical, emotional, and social), provide them with healthy and adequate development, protect, give learning opportunities, develop their own self-sufficiency” (544). Moreover, in her view, early childhood programs enable children to learn well-structured instruction that is hard to introduce in a family setting and enables them to grow as responsible and productive citizens.  As Kartal suggests, if every child got an opportunity to acquire high-quality early childhood education, there would be “Reduction in children’s behaviors toward crime and percentage of arrestment; care for children’s nutrition and increase their immunity level” (545). I reflected in Kartal’s claims, thus feeling the urge to understand the role the US federal government and the private sector are playing to ensure every young child in the American community have access to quality education. Reflecting on Kartal argument, I feel that the benefits of attending these programs and the current challenges facing early childhood education have been taken for granted. Therefore, guided by the beneficial impact and the current challenges facing early childhood education, this paper argues that there is a need to increase funding and resources to provide high-quality education for all children.

At first, it is acknowledgeable that the US federal government has been in the front line in promoting early childhood education in the past decades. It has played an essential role to enhance and complement these early childhood programs. Also, private sectors have enabled these programs to deliver in various ways through their funding support. According to Cho and Leslie, “the care and education of young children in the United States historically have been largely seen as the responsibility of families with the government only stepping in to provide financial support in terms of national security and social welfare” (18). Regarding the history of early childhood education, these programs started as childcare centers mostly to children of low-income and working mothers and as infant schools running through charity to help developmentally at-risk children …………for help with this assignment contact us via Email Address:

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